

RV & Tent Camping Rates

Day Use: $5.00 per day for everyone over 12 years old. Kids 12 & under are free.

Primitive Tent Sites: $25.00 per night plus day use fees. Maximum of 6 people per campsite.

Full hookup RV Sites: $35.00 per night plus day use fees. Maximum of 6 people per campsite.

We do have long term RV sites available. They range from $650 - $800 per month.

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Tube, Kayak & Canoe Rates

River Tubes: $10.00 per day

Kayaks: $20 half day / $40 full day / Overnight - $80 for 1st night then $40 for each additional night

Canoes (2 seats): $30 half day / $60 full day / Overnight - $120 for 1st night then $60 for each additional night

Canoes (3 seats): $40 half day / $80 full day / Overnight - $160 for 1st night then $80 for each additional night

Kayak and Canoe rentals include life jackets and paddles/oars.

Shuttle Service Rates

$10 per person: includes one drop off or pick up at most locations. Some drop off locations may require an additional fee. More than one drop off or pick up location will incur an additional charge.

$10 per guest kayak/canoe/tube: to transport private equipment to one drop off or from one pick up location. Additional drop off or pick up locations will incur an additional charge.

Equipment rental: If you would like shuttle service, use full day rate plus day use fee & shuttle service fee to calculate cost.

(Full day rate + day use fee + shuttle person = cost)

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